Website Development

Matthew Waldron

This website is developed by Matthew Waldron. The code of this website is under the MIT license. If you decide to use the website as your own, you may do so providing:

►You keep the footer link "Website Credits" in any and all pages of this website.

►You retain the text of this page to properly credit Matthew Waldron and the developers credited below.

►You acknoledge and agree to the Website's Terms of Use.


Andor Nagy

Codepen by Andor Nagy that allows for navigation between web pages. Parts of CSS used. Codepen under the MIT license.

Menu Scroll Highlighting


Codepen by Joxmar that allows for naviagation highlighting for index.html id tags on scroll. Javascript used from Codepen. Codepen under the MIT license.

Sticky Navigation

Guil H

Codepen by Guil H that allows the naviagation bar to stick to the top while hiding title on scroll. Parts of CSS and Javascript used from Codepen. Coden under the MIT license.

Smooth Scroll

Chris Coyier

Codepen by Chris Coyier that allows for smooth scrolling of internal links when clicked. Parts of Javascript used from Codepen. Coden under the MIT license.

Video Thumbnails

Amit Agarwal

Code by Amit Agarwal that embedds YouTube videos by using the video thumbnail. The player loads when the user clicks the play button. This approach decreases page load time. Javascript, CSS, and parts of HTML used from source code.

HTML5 Audio Player

Alex Katz

Codepen by Alex Katz. This allows for multiple music players with start, stop, and timeline capabilities. Javascript and parts of CSS used. Modified to allow for music titles and responsive design. Codepen under the MIT license.


Lokesh Dhakar

Lightbox photo viewer by Lokesh Dhakar. Allows for modal photo viewing when the picture thumbnail is clicked. Code under the MIT license.

Responsive Tiles

Ronny Siikaluoma

Codepen by Ronny Siikaluoma that allows for squares that resize according to screen size. Parts of HTML and CSS used. Updated for even tile size and picture replacement and dynamic resizing. Codepen under the MIT license.

Mailing List

David McCoy

Gist that allows posting from an HTML from to Google Sheets. Google Script and Javascript used.

Modal Viewer for Mailing List

W3Schools Tutorials

Tutorial that allows for a modal to display when clicked. Added functionality to clear contents after click. HTML, CSS, and Javascript used.


Basic html form with user input validation. HTML and PHP used.



Royalty free photos from except where noted. Images resized / compressed to increase load time.

Social Media Icons


Royalty free social media icons from Colors edited to match the website theme.

Github Contributors

►Logo Design: Mirza Zulfan

►Sticky Navigation Bug #1 Issue Fix: Abel Chen